Monday, July 12, 2010

I Remember The Moment So Clearly

It was April 1, 2001.  Yup, I found out I was pregnant with my youngest child on April Fool's Day.  I had a feeling for a few days beforehand that I was pregnant, so I secretly bought a pregnancy test, which wasn't easy to do because I always shop with Junior.

I sneaked into the bathroom, and did the test.  I remember waiting the three or four minutes, whatever it was, and when I looked at the test, it was negative.  That's right.  No little plus sign for me.  I was kind of shocked, because I had been pregnant twice before, and I just knew that I was then, too.  A little while later, I went back into the bathroom, and checked the test again.  This time, there was the faintest little line in the test area.  I was thrilled, but cautious, since they tell you not to read the test after ten minutes, and it had been about an hour since I had done mine.  But I knew it was right.

I just knew it.

Imagine how hard it was for me to convince Junior that it wasn't an April Fools joke.  For a long time he thought I was kidding.  I knew it would be pointless to tell anyone else that day, because I was sure I would have gotten the same reaction.  I ended up waiting a few days, until after I went to the doctor to confirm, before I told my family.  My daughter, Brandi Rose, was born December 4 of that year.

Now, like most mothers, I saved that test.  In fact, I saved the tests from all of my pregnancies.  I have them in a baggie somewhere, packed away in a box.  I just couldn't throw them away. 

I was so excited when I got the opportunity to review the new Keepsake Case from e.p.t. 
I absolutely love it!  I mean, it's purple!  How could I not love it?  It is big enough to hold one test, so I am going to have to get two more for myself.  The case reminds me of the pencil pouches I buy for the kids when they go back to school; it's just a smaller version.  Inside there is a card where you can record the date you found out you were pregnant, who you told first, and what you were thinking at the time. 

This case is a much better option for my tests than the baggie they are currently in.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of e.p.t and received an e.p.t. keepsake case and a $20 gift card to to facilitate my review.”


Donna said...

I didn't save mine...Hahaa

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ did they have home tests when you were having kids? Not that you're old (you're so pretty), but I don't think they had them when my mom was pregnant with us kids...or maybe they did. I'll have to ask her.