Monday, July 12, 2010

It's Been 2 Years Already

For the past month or so, all I had been thinking about was writing a post to commemorate the two year anniversary of my breast reduction.  Some of you were readers back then, and helped hold my hand through the whole thing.  I love you guys for that! 

I had my surgery July 7, 2008.  That's right...I missed it!  It occurred to me the other day that the day had come and gone, and I didn't write my post.  It would have been a good one, too, about how my life has changed in the past two years, as a direct result of the surgery. 

Now, you will have to wait until next year!


~Jenn~ said...

wow!! two years already!! no way!! how in the world did that happen??? i cannot believe that time has gone that fast! i'm hoping to be around more so maybe i'll get to catch that post next year!! xoxoxo <3

jenn said...

jenn ~ I remember waking up in recovery, and Junior telling me he had been texting you and Crystal. You guys were such a huge support for me, and I love you both for it.

I saw that you started a new soon as i get caught up tonight, I'm going to check it out.