Monday, July 12, 2010

Moving With a Family

Thanks to guest blogger Deandra Newland for the post.

Over the last five years, I have realized how much more difficult it is to move an entire family to a new location than it was to move just one person. Now there are bedroom sets, dining room tables, kitchen utensils and a huge amount of things that have accumulated over the years. Our family recently relocated to South Carolina for my husband’s job. While we were incredibly happy for the opportunity, the stress of moving was a lot for us to handle. Luckily, we hired movers and didn’t have to deal with the packing and actual moving of the majority of our belongings. Because of this, I had much more time to focus on getting everything prepared at our new home. I took the extra time to paint, clean and do a few projects that I knew would never get done once everything was moved in.

I also took the time to have our home security system from installed before our belongings were even in the home. I was able to get a large majority of household projects done before our belongings were even delivered, which was a huge relief to my husband. Being able to get things done ahead of time is something that I am usually not capable of. Hiring movers was definitely a wise decision on our part.

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