Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Mother's Day

I have had a wonderful Mother's Day! The kids fixed me breakfast and served it to me in bed. Ryan says "it's only 11 points!". I had a bagel with cream cheese, an oatmeal cookie, a cup of peaches, a yougurt, and an ice cream sandwich! I ate the bagel, cookie, and ice cream. Who doesn't love ice cream for breakfast?! Then we went fishing. Kasi and I each caught one fish. When we got home, my mom came and we spent the day together. We went to Wal-Mart, Junior cooked hot dogs on the grill, then we played canasta. I won one game and Mom won one game. The kids were busting to give me my gifts last night, so they did at about 11pm. Look above to see my beautiful flowers. I am very blessed to have such wonderful children and an equally wonderful husband. Thank goodness I am actually felling better today. We are having my dad and his wife over tomorrow night for tacos. Kasi got to pick supper since it's her birthday. I can't believe she will be 10! So that's about it for my day. Survivor finale tonight. I'm excited to see who wins. Stay tuned....

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