Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What Is Wrong With Some People

I do not understand how people can kill their own children. Reading the news about that disturbed woman in Texas who hanged her 4 children and then herself made me sick. How can that happen? Why take the children with you? If you want to be selfish and kill yourself, go ahead. What will they tell the 8 month old who survived? "Mommy killed your sisters and herself, and tried to kill you too"? I would die for my children. I would probably die for any child if I was ever in a postion to have to make that choice. What was she thinking? I hope they have a special room in hell for people who kill kids. I hope they have an even worse one for mothers who kill their own children. I just don't get it. If she was depressed and suicidal, why were the kids in her care? So many questions that will never be answered. The only justice, if you can call it that, is that she is dead too. Too many of these woman who kill there kids get off because of "insanity". They should all have to die, insane or not! It just makes me soooo mad. There are so many loving people in this world unable to have children who would give anything to be parents. I wish that woman would have reached out for help. I am probably not making alot of sense, but I needed to vent because my heart just hurts when I think about it. It is such an awful thing to happen. I just hope those poor little babies didn't suffer.

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