Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lots To Say Tonight

Today was a super busy day! I had to catch up with the laundry, which is all folded and ready to be put away in the morning. We finally have a roofer coming in the morning and I had to paint all the boards they will be using to fix the back of the house. Doesn't sound too hard, but there were a lot of boards and I had to do both sides. Thanks to Nicole who stayed and kept me company! The kids swam most of the day, I was painting beside the pool. I put sunblock on myself this morning before we went out because I am getting really dark and my face is actually starting to hurt! My lips are sooo dry!As most of you know, I put Sally and her kittens outside a week or two ago. All her babies are now gone, except Bear, who is inside. It has also been a week or so since I have seen Claire's litter. She keeps hiding them. While in the pool with the kids last night, we see Claire come out of the basement. Sure enough, her babies are in there. This morning, they are gone again. The kids find them under their outside toy bins. So while we're in the pool, I see Sally walk by with one of Claires kittens in her mouth! No wonder she was hiding them! Claire chased down Sally and got her baby back, but who knows where they will be tomorrow.I have had a breakthrough moment this past week that I haven't yet mentioned. I took a big, no huge, step on Sunday. This may sound silly to some of you who have never had a weight problem, but it was the first time I have worn a bathing suit in front of my mom and my sister. I guess I have finally accepted the fact that even if I keep it covered, people still know I'm fat. So why not enjoy myself and not be miserable. I would normally sit in the yard and watch the fun in the pool. It was great to be in on the fun with Carson in the pool. I'm not ready to wear my suit in public yet, but maybe I'll get there. I think it's more of a boob thing than a fat everywhere else thing. Who knows.Tomorrow it is back to selling produce. After Faith leaves in the afternoon, I will spend most of the rest of the day up at Del's. I'm almost finished reading my book and have nothing new to read. So, I rejoined a book club and am expecting some new books in the next week or two. I don't have the last two DEan Koontz books, so I ordered them and am very excited to read them. I think I ordered a Stephen King and the new Mary Higgins Clark. I also ordered the 6th James Patterson book. You know, the Woman's Murder Club books. They should keep me reading for a few weeks anyway.I found time today to browse through some blogs that are linked through the ones I read every day, and I was touched by them all. These women are so strong and amazing. I wish I could link you to Carole's, because she is an amazing woman. I am learning so much about CDH. I thank God every day that my children were born healthy. I honestly don't know if I could face what these mothers have. They are inspirational, to say the least! If you want to read Carole's story, click on my link to Terra. Go to her March entries and you can link to Carole through one of them. If you do, have a box of tissues nearby. Trust me, you'll need it!I guess I've written enough for tonight. Sweet dreams to all!

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