Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Is It Bedtime Yet?

I am in such a good mood! I spent 6 hours selling produce. When we got home me and the kids got in the pool. We swan for about 2 hours. I cooked hamburgers, corn on the cob, potatoes, squash with onions, and canteloupe for supper. I cut the potatoes into bite size pieces, drizzle with EVOO (for those of you who AREN'T Rachael Ray fans ~ Extra virgin olive oil), add salt, pepper, and parsley. Bake at 475 for about 45 minutes. Dip in Ranch dressing. They are sooooooo good. Not so bad on WW either. I used all my points today, and that's okay. Del sent me home with more bananas, canteloupe, onions and squash. We have more than we can possibly eat in one day. The good thing is I have the fixins for some good meals. We didn't have very many customers today, but the people who did stop, bought something. So I'm off to watch the season finale of HOUSE. Then it's bedtime, I'm exhausted!

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