Monday, May 28, 2007

Another Beautiful Day

What a great day we had today! My mom, Colleen, and Carson came over around noon and we swam, then had a little cook out. My chicken was the BOMB! It was fun to see Carson in the pool. He was a little hesitant at first cause it was really cold, but after a while, he had a ball! When Colleen left, we went fishing. It's so funny to watch my mom catch fish. She gets so excited. We stayed til about 7. Grumpy came and me and the kids left with my mom. Junior stayed to fish with his dad. We were gonna stay, but Boo was tired and we saw a snake. Normally I'm not scared, but some water snakes will bite and you can't see them coming in the dark. When we got back I let the kids swim a little. Hopefully we will make it an early night. While we were cooking out, Colleen came in to get something and noticed ants in my kitchen. They are everywhere. Junior will need to get some bug spray or something. So that sums up my day. I'll be back in the morning.

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