Monday, April 7, 2008

So Much To Do

It's monday, again! The sky is gray, and I have a little con artist home from school. She claimed it hurt when she peed, but now, amazingly, she's fine. She is prone to UTI's, so better safe than sorry with her. I told her to tell me every time she needs to go, that way I can see if it really hurts. You can't fake that kind of pain.Hubby has PT this morning, and I am being lazy, fooling around on the computer. I need to get some housecleaning done. I want to get the rest of my craft stuff to the basement. Each kids has staked a part of the basement as their own space, so I need to get all that situated. I want to get the pool table out of my bedroom. I want to make the half-bath in my bedroom back into a closet. I know that sounds weird, but my FIL made the closet in the master bedroom into a half-bath, but the toilet is broken, so we never use it. I want hubby to take the toilet out, and hang a clothes rod, which we bought a few weeks ago. I still want the sink and vanity in there, it's big enough. I'll just have to post pictures when it's done. (imagine that, me, posting pictures!) I guess I need to go get started. Who knows how much I'll actually accomplish with boo home, but I'll give it all a try!

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