Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tag ~ I'm It

I was tagged by the amazing vixen to write 10 weird or random facts, habits or goals about myself.

1. In college, I studied early childhood development. I wanted to own/run a day care center someday. I realized during that time that I disagreed with what I was being taught. I do not think a child uses a black crayon for any reason other than that they wanted to use a black crayon. It does not mean they have repressed anger or some crap like that. It just means they like the black crayon.

2. In school, I was the kid the teacher always put in charge when they left the room.

3. In high school, I never showed up to take my final exam in orchestra my final year. On my report card, the conductor gave me 100 on a test I never took. Go figure!

4. My biggest dream in life was to be a mom.

5. It drives me crazy when hubby or the kids leave the cabinet doors in the kitchen open. I mean, really, how hard is it to close it when you're done?

6. I have a specific way I fold my towels, and I am the only one who does it right. Yes, I know this makes me a little weird, but I'm okay with that!

7. I never make my bed. I don't make my kids make their beds either, unless company comes over. What's the point? It just gets messed up again anyway.

8. I like things. Non-essential things. Given the choice between clothes for myself or an elephant figurine, I'd pick the elephant every time. Or a kitchen utensil. Or a shelf. Or a book. Or a cd. I just like things.

9. Maybe once I have my boobs done, I'll enjoy clothes shopping a little more!

10. I love making things and giving them away. It makes me happy when I make someone else happy.

I haven't tagged anyone in a while, so I think I'll tag my three c's...crystal, carrie, and christine...and miss donna. Have fun girls!

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