Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Already?

I can't believe it's friday! I also can't believe it's been a week and a half since my surgery. My boobies are healing, I think. lol! There is so much tape on there, I can only assume they are getting better. I feel better every day, and find I can do a little more each day as well. I have been sleeping in the recliner, because it hurts, no, it pulls, when I try and lay in the bed. Anyway, I woke this morning with my arm above my head, so it seems I'm getting some mobility back. I am supervising the packing, which is going slow. Luckily we're not moving far, so some things will just be put into laundry baskets are something, instead of being put into boxes. I made the list yesterday of things that need to be done for us to live there, so we'll see how long it takes them to get it all done. Hubby is dropping it off today during his lunch break.My FIL has been in the hospital all week. They let him go home on sunday, but he fell monday morning in lori's bathroom, and they had to take him back. They are giving him blood every day, yet his hemoglobin stays low. Hubby broke down and went up there tuesday, and his sister was there. Neither one of them, his sister or dad, said one word to hubby. His sister is going on vacation next friday, so his brother is coming up to take his dad to georgia for a week next the following monday, if he gets out of the hospital. The only good thing there is that we will be able to get everything out of this house while they are gone. Hubby has been doing good in therapy. He likes to come home and tell me everything they talked about. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I told him when he started that I would never ask, because I didn't want him to feel like he HAD to tell me. I was surprised when he came home yesterday and said that his therapist said she was glad we were moving. Are they allowed to do that? I thought they just listen, and help you deal with things...not tell you how they feel about things. Does that even make sense????I guess I need to get up from here and get some things done. I want to finally have a yard sale tomorrow, but only if I can get everything together. We'll see!

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