Monday, July 28, 2008

Up Late

It's almost 3 am, and I can't sleep, again. This is getting so old!This is our last night in this house. Tomorrow is the big moving day. I was at the apartment today cleaning, and it was slow going. I was definitely hurting when we left. The bathroom is my biggest concern. I just couldn't get the stains in the tub clean. My friend nicole came over with some cleaning product she swears by (I can't remember the name, but she got it at dollar tree) and even that didn't work. Come to find out it's paint! Some schmuck painted the inside of the bathtub! So tomorrow I have to figure out a way to peel all the paint off, because the tub looks clean underneath. I will also need to paint the ceiling and walls, because it looks like at one time there was a leak, and there are black spots on the ceiling and walls. I sprayed the wall with scrubbing bubbles (love that stuff) and it took the spots off, as well as the paint! lol! I'm just glad it was a horrible sponge paint job that looks horrid anyway. Oh, and did I mention that there is a leak behind the toilet and the light doesn't work? Two things they will have to come out tomorrow and fix. The kids are excited about their new room. They were already planning where all their toys will go. I ended up selling boo's bedroom set and keeping kasi's. I also had to sell my computer desk because it would never fit. I need to find a smaller one. O hope the rest of my crap will fit somehow. I really need to take pictures because it is a cute little place.I will probably be offline until wednesday when they hook me up at the new place. I'll try to check in tomorrow, but who knows if I'll find the time. So, until then, have a wonderful week!

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