Saturday, August 23, 2008

Camera Critters ~ 3

This is the one surviving kitten from zoe's litter. We named her glory. My sis-in-law suggested gloria, after gloria gaynor who sings I will survive, and we just shortened it to glory. Isn't she cute???

to participate, go here.


Lapa37 said...

There are no words to describe how adorable she is..I just want to pluck her out of the screen and give her lovin.....

bobbie said...

glory is a sweet little thing.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Awww... poor little thing. She looks like she's going to be one cute cat!

Carletta said...

So cute and a perfect name!

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

She is a sweetheart. I think her name is very fitting.

Mom Knows Everything said...

What a little angel!

Anonymous said...

Awww yes she is totally cute. She must be very new in this photo. So sweet :)

My critter is here

Rambling Woods said...

Awwww.....cute kitty!!! Sorry to hear that the rest of the litter didn't survive...

bcmomtoo said...

So adorable! I like her name.

Kelly said...

Glory is adorable! I bet you are bottle feeding and having to clean them and all the other good things that go along with helping a kitty this small survive! My hats off to you! It will be well worth it!

Ladynred said...

Yes, definitely cute and Glory is perfect name!
For the Love of Pets

ratmammy said...

very cute kittie!

Forgetfulone said...

Awwww. How sweet she looks!

i beati said...

she's very cute and wonderful name sandy

Forgetfulone said...

Come on over and grab your award!

Indrani said...

She is cute and has a perfect name.

Missy said...

Awe I wanna pet it! I love the name- such a sweet baby! I love them at this size! Awe its just so little!

magiceye said...


Check out some just littered kittens

Misty DawnS said...

She's absolutely precious and I love her name!

Gretchen said...

Just too cute!!!

Carrie said...

Oh my just look at that face :0)
love it and so precious!

Miss ya!

Jennifer said...

awwww... makes me want a kitten... sort of. ;)

okay not really... but that sure is one really cute kitten. :)


love ya!!