Monday, July 7, 2008

Hey guys!!! Good morning! This is Crystal posting for Jenn while she has her surgery bright and early this morning!!! Jenn let me know that as soon as she's in recovery that she'll get Hubby to text me to let me know how things went. So, until then I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Monday;o)
This is an update as of 10:15AM my time here in Texas...I just heard from hubby she was wheeled back at 8:15AM and just got out and is in recovery as we speak!!! YEAH!!! I knew she'd do okay! Anyway, i'll let you all know as soon as I find out anything else!!!
Okay! Update!!! I heard from hubby at 11:32am and he said that all went well and Jenn will be going home TODAY!!! And at 12:59PM I heard from Jenn via Text message but all she said was, "It's me.." So that let me know she was finally awake! YEAH! I text her back seeing how she was but haven't heard back yet. All the meds she's probably been given has her knocked out and sleeping more than likely so if I hear back from her i'll run over here and post!!!

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