Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ 1

brandi rose's first night of "real" homework!
join WW here


katia / crazy for trying said...

welcome to WW. Have a great day!!

KathyLikesPink said...

Awww. And so it begins!

Unknown said...

She looks very absorbed in her schoolwork there how great. Pop in and say Happy birthday to Zak please, he is my WW theme.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh the torture of homework!! LOL
Cute girl; Brandi Rose!!!

Mine's posted. Drop by, won't you? Have a great day.

Forgetfulone said...

That is so sweet. Tell her to keep it up!

Rebecca said...

Oooh that's sooo exciting! I hope she's having fun with it! :)

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Pretty cute when they still like homework!

Milly said...

Ooooooooh such a sweet child and so into her homework.

Vixen of said...

I know it makes me weird, but I love homework. I loved it as a kid and I would love some now. I think I want to be a professional student when I grow up.


Donna said... Begins!!hahahaha.....She's Precious sweetie!!!hughugs

Crystal said...

She is so beautiful;o) Just like her mammy!! Hope all the kiddos are enjoying being back in school and YOUR enjoying the peace and quiet!

Jennifer said...

awww... she is just too precious for words!! :)

I love that she is so in thought with her homework too!! :)

makes me think about the girls going off to school... part of me cannot wait... the other part is just tearing apart at thinking they will one day be more grown up and like your beautiful little Boo. And I can't even go to the thought of them being grown up like Ryan and Kasi... not yet, I get too worked up. ;)

Yes, I may be PMSing this week... I'm very emotional!!

She is gorgeous!! Give her lots of hugs from us!! What a big girl!!:)

hope school is going well for all of them and that you are enjoying some much needed Jenn (& probably boob ;) lol) time!!

I'm off to read some more... gosh I have been gone wayyyy too long. Stupid, stupid computer!!! ugh!!

we need a new one, but the $$ is an issue... we just put a dent in the funds shopping for back to school stuff for Trevor and Bryan got us new cell phones... ours were kind of getting old... I would have been fine w/o a new one, but am loving my new phone. :)

anyway... enough rambling... I'm off to read more!!

missed ya!!

xoxoxoxo love ya!!

Carrie said...

Quick with the homework :0( aren't they??? they do the same here.... she looks sooo tired!

Mine go back on Sept 4th!