Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Random tidbits:

~~~I sound like a broken record, but please, please update your links to me. I really need to get my page rank up!

~~~I added the "followers" button over there! Become one, and add it to your page so I can be one to you!

~~~If you haven't grabbed my badge yet, what are you waiting for?? It's cute...you know you want to steal it! lol!

~~~I updated my journey. It diet time again. If you need an invite, let me know!

~~~I found some great crafting ideas in hobby lobby yesterday. It will take a few days, but hopefully I'll have pictures here soon.

~~~I want to again, thank tammy and carrie for all their help in getting me set up with this paid posting! They both seriously rock! Thanks girls!!!!

~~~Has anyone else checked out HBO's new vampire series True Blood? It is awesome!

Okay, I need to get up and fold laundry. Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I checked my blogroll just to make sure I had already done it...and surprise, surprise I had.

While you are up, can you fold my laundry too?

Mom Knows Everything said...

You are more then welcome my friend! Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Love ya girl!