Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's Going On?

~We lost little gloria, our kitten. I'm not sure why, but when hubby got home last night she had passed away. The kids don't know yet. I'll tell them when they get home from school.

~I am finally starting to feel better. Yay! Whatever I had kicked my butt. Now brandi has the sniffles. I hope she gets over it quicker than me.

~I still have a n/a rank this morning. I hope that changes soon. I started going back to my oldest posts and labeling them all, because I read somewhere that having posts labeled helps with page rank. Anyone know if this is true? I hope so, because this is a total pain in the butt and has already wasted enough of my time.

~Where was everyone yesterday?

~jenn, I hope trevor had an amazing birthday!

~carrie, I hope you had an awesome first day (night) of work!

~Hubby is off today. This usually means I'll get nothing done today, and for some reason I have a ton of laundry to do.

~saturday afternoon, my kitchen flooded. The hot water pipe under the sink broke, and water was shooting everywhere! Thank goodness ryan was home, because he just reached under there and turned off the water. i wouldn't have known what to do. Hubby had to come home from work to fix it. We could have waited and put in a complaint with the rental agency, but I needed hot water, and it only cost about $8 to fix.

~maybe I have so much laundry because I had to use every towel in my house to clean up the flood, and I got behind having to wash them all!

~I need to go rush the kiddos a little. Have a great tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Awww :( I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. Hugs to you.

I'm glad you guys have a turn off valve under the kitchen sink! I don't know if it's because this place was prefabricated or just old, but we don't have any turn off valves inside at all...the water has to be turned off from the outside if anything happens. It makes for some interesting times when we had a bad leak or when I accidentally knocked the faucet straight off lol

Carrie said...

poor little kitty. Hugs~

Here I am Jenn! lol Things have been so crazy around here but work went really well last night and once I get my own cubical after training I should be able to check in blogging in between calls. This will be great!It was funny, when I was looking through the catalogue I will be taking orders for I saw a really nice Jade colored elephant and thought of you!

As for the N/A, just give it time. Google got me again last night and knocked my jabber jaws page rank back down to a zero from my PR of 2. I have no idea what helps. Me and hubby have tried all kinds of things but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. Be patient though it will get there.

Good luck with getting the laundry caught up. You are just lucky you got the water turned off. Yay Ryan!

well I'm off to watch The Transformers movie with Blake.

sorry for all the rambling I seem to being doing that a lot today lol

I'll keep in touch

Carrie said...

Hey Jenn, I have a couple of meme's for you on my Rantings blog.

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry about your kitty Jenn.

I updated your link on my blog. I seriously thought I had done that before now!!

Maybe you can turn in the receipt to your landlord and still be reimbursed for the parts to fix the water leak since you didn't want to wait on them to fix it.

I have no idea bout the rank thingy, not even sure what/where it is??

Julie said...

I feel your pain on now clean towels. The water line to our fridge broke this past spring and I used every single towel in the house. A friend told me fleece blankets absorb a lot too so I will keep that in mind if we ever have a problem again (hopefully not!).

Jennifer said...

aww. damn. that is horrible. i'm sorry to hear about your kitten. i'm not sure what is going on, but it sucks. we had a few losses too. and out of the blue... the sugar glider, my nephew's cat, your kitty and then, we found out yesterday that our land lords' (who are also friends of my parents) that their son killed himself on Sunday. Heart breaking. He left behind a lot of family but most of all two young daughters and his wife. He was only 38. :( Then this morning I got a call from my friend, and her uncle died yesterday. 49 yrs old. unexpected. :( horrible. i can't even begin to imagine what will come next.

we have also had house problems, with the fridge stopping and the washer acting up the other day and it just seems like one thing after another. :(

but i'm so sorry for your loss and your broken pipe. thank goodness for Ryan and Hubby. :) that is a good tip... I wouldn't have thought to turn it off either. I'll have to keep that in mind. :)

hope today is better.

xoxoxo lots of love!!

Forgetfulone said...

I'm so sorry your floor flooded and your kitty ran off. All day, I've just been thinking about that song, "Wake me up when September ends."

Tammy said...

Sorry about the poor little kitty!

I don't understand all this ranking stuff! I wish I did. I have only been blogging since March. I have learned alot but have a whole lot more to learn!!!!!