Friday, September 19, 2008


I had an overwhelming number of people enter my giveaway....FOUR! lol! When I gave away a book I had tons of people, so maybe it's the prizes I chose. Who knows. I think they are wonderful, and I'm not just saying that pecause I made them. :) ANYWAY, I had kasi pick the winners, and the first name drawn was.... carrie!!! Yay!!! She's one of my girls! So she gets to pick which sign she wants.
And the second name was.......smalltown rn!!! She gets whichever sign carrie doesn't pick!
BONUS::::::Since I absolutely adore the other two entrants, tammy and jennifer, (wow, I have a sister named tami and typing that, I actually heard my dad yelling those names together! lol) I am going to send them each a little surprise! Wow! I know!
So ladies, email me your addresses, and I will get them out ASAP! Thanks for playing.


Forgetfulone said...

You are so sweet. Get some of them Christmas things going so I can enter! Your work is beautiful.

Crystal said...

Congrats girls!!!!!! She does beautiful work!!!!

Jennifer said...

hi love!! thank you again. i will email you my address. :)


PS i need your address too!! :)

and I have to tell ya... that Miss Kasi is looking pretty grown up these days... and of course so darn cute!! i love her eyes in the first pic!! :) she is such a cutie!!

love to all!!

Melissa said...


Carrie said...

Jenn that is the coolest! I just love your signs and the best part is that it is from you! Now to choose which one? I will go take a look then email you my address!