Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ 3

This is a picture from the zoo on sunday. They have this exhibit where you can buy a cup of nectar, and go in a huge cage and feed the birds. As you can see, they land right on you! This is my arm, holding brandi's cup. She totally freaked when the birds got too close to her. I think it's really neat. This is my favorite thing about going to this zoo, besides the elephants, of course!
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Hagar's Daughter said...

This makes me want to go to the zoo. I haven't been in years. What pretty colored feathers.

Happy WW!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Nice color. I bet it is nice to interact with the exhibit.

stan said...

oh yeah I had a similar encounter in Bangkok zoo - pics I've posted in my Aug/July entries I believe.

Amila Salgado said...

That would bring the kid in me too. Very cool! Too bad our zoo does not involve the visitors like that!

Donna said...

Awwwww...I would Love this!! hughugs

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!

Anonymous said...

That is MY FAVORITE part at the Wild Animal Park. I could feed those birds all day. They are so pretty.

Carrie said...

Your Zoo sounds and looks so much more exciting then the zoos we have around here. We don't even have elephants. What's up with that?

Forgetfulone said...

What a beautiful bird! Great photo.

Crystal said...

COOL!!! Pretty lil bird!

Crystal said...

Hope Brandi gets over her fright of birds too;o)