Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Award Time

I recently found a wonderful new blog to read. What happened to my house??? is written by the amazing susan, who also designs beautiful blogs. She was kind enough to give me this wonderful award.

Here is how the Brilliant Weblog Award works . . .The person giving the award chooses blogs that they consider brilliant in their content or design. In return, the recipient is expected to choose a minimum of seven blogs that they like. They leave comments on these blogs to notify the winners. They then post about receiving the award on their blog (like this) and list their choices with links. They also include a mention of whom they received the award and include a link. Pictures are great, but not necessary.

jenn ~ crazy magic, sometimes hectic, beautiful life
carrie ~ rantings of a woman
tammy ~ mom knows everything
frigga ~ any apples
diana ~ forgetfulone
jennifer ~ jennifer's thoughts
anna ~ beth and cory's mom


Anonymous said...

Awww thanks buddy! You're the best!!!

Jennifer said...

YOU are the VERY bestest!! ;) and i mean it!!

having a horrible day... well okay not a horrible day, but a bad LONG day with some really good parts but still a LONGY tiring day and I'm whining and I'm sorry, but thanks for the award it made the end of my day better!! :) THANKS!!


Jennifer said...

I'll get it posted on my place soon ;)

Tammy said...

I'm going to go check out What happened to my house. It sounds like a good blog. You have a very nice blog too! You deserve this Brillante Weblog Award.

Rebecca said...

WhooohooooOOooo!!! Thank You!!! :) I will try my best to post this weekend!! :)