Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thursday Thirteen ~ 11

Thirteen Things I Did Today
1. woke up at 5:25 and lucked into an opp, the only one I caught all day
2. took the kids to the bus stop
3. dropped some ecards
4. took a shower
5. dropped more ecards
6. called the insurance company about ryan's approval...he was denied
7. went to the plastic surgeon...I'll post more about that later
8. went to the doctor to pick up a new prescription for ryan
9. went and had chinese food for lunch...yummy!
(when we were done eating, I lifted my purse off the table to leave and a roach ran across our table! It was so gross! They gave us a gift certificate for another meal, but I can't say that we will go back there)
10. called 50 pharmacies trying to find one that had ryan's new medicine in stock
11. got the kids off the bus
12. played ladderball with hubby and the kids
13. cooked supper
Now it's time for me to relax!
to participate, go here.


Anonymous said...

You've had a busy day. Insurance companies are hateful!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're pretty busy today!
i hope you still have time to visit my TT :)

SJ Reidhead said...

I had Chinese for lunch. The only way a roach would appear in The Great Wall is for me to bring in a plastic one and try using it as a joke on the owners, who are very good friends!

My lunch was fantastic.

The Pink Flamingo

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Sounds like a busy day!

Happy TT!

Lori said...

Doesnt sounds like a very fun something fun tomorrow!! Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is having chinese today. Makes me crave it....though the roach bit was a little off-putting.

Jennifer said...

i'm glad you got to have chinese food since that is your favorite, but i'm sorry to hear you found a roach afterwards. you know, though, bryan sees a LOT of kitchens... and he says that they all have bugs of some sorts... even the most expensive places and they can even be clean and still have them, it is just b/c there is food there so they have bugs... and they also have exterminators but still some bugs...

not to say you should stop eating out... but I guess more like what you don't see won't hurt you... or you hope. ;) lol

anyway... happy thursday!!


Meju said...

Other than the stupid Ins. company, it sounds like a great day. Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

I am dying for Chinese food.

Good luck with #10.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

I am sorry about the insurance, that totally sucks Jenn.
Thanks so much for coming by, I apologize for being so absent, I just haven`t been finding time for blogging at all!

Unknown said...

Hope you are resting from your busy day. happy TT!

Tammy said...

Great idea for a list! I might do this one next week. I joined ecards now too. I now know what you mean by dropping ecards. Last week I didn't know what you were talking about. Now I do :)

Cindy Swanson said...

One of these days I'm going to do a "what I did today" list--I think they're fascinating glimpses into a person's life! I often have a hard time coming up with TT lists.

Stop by mine when you get a moment!

Cindy Swanson said...

By the way, I read your "Church" post, and think it's awesome that you remember those wonderful verses after all these years.