Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chocolate...And More Chocolate

I hate chocolate. Okay, maybe I just hate having to make things with it. I did not have fun making these chocolate pretzels, or the little tombstones, even though they are pretty cool because they stand up on their own. I never want to see another mold where I have to paint the chocolate in for the details. I have chocolate everywhere! I made such a mess, and the chocolate didn't go as far as I thought it would. I guess the bright side is that they taste yummy!


Carrie said...

YUMMY! They turned out great Jenn and now I want one lol :0)

Five O'Clock Somewhere said...

You did an awesome job, they look too good to eat!

Kristin said...

I must say..that finger gives me the creeps...I would still eat it, however...lol!

Kristin said...

I must say..that finger gives me the creeps...I would still eat it, however...lol!

Missy said...

Alex says, " I really love them and they look so tasty!!!"

Missy says, " I concur!!"

Jennifer said...


you did such a great job on these!! they are wayyy out of my craft-talent zone. I would NEVER be able to make them and have them turn out as well as yours did. you did so good!! you rock!

i bet the kis LOVE these... your kids and the ones coming to the party!! how awesome!!

maybe you could do this for some money too... i know around here there is a lady that makes things out of chocolate and sells them. not sure if it would be worth it b/c of the time you have to put into it.. .but it is worth thinking about since you are so good at it. :)


Becki said...

They look adorable! No one can REALLY hate chocolate, can they?? I hope not - it's my job ;)

Anonymous said...

They look great!!!