Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ryan's Birthday (CHEESE)Cake

Only my son would ask for cheesecake for his birthday!  I don't have a recipe for a home made one, (or the time yesterday) so I ended up making one of those no bake ones.  It was good, but nowhere near as good as the kind you bake.

Anyway, we got him the little mini radio he has been wanting.  Think MP3, only it only plays the radio.  He has an MP3, but he like to listen to the radio (rock station) on the bus, and his MP3 doesn't have a radio option like mine does.  I got tired of him asking to take mine to school every day, so when he found this little radio, I knew it would be perfect for him.  He also had fun spending all his birthday cash, though he didn't buy a swim nappy.  He bought clothes and soda.   Yes, you read that right.  He wanted camouflage pants, so he got those.  He bought the soda because I refuse to buy it for them unless it's a special occasion, so he figured if he bought them himself he could drink all he wanted.  Turns out, he drank so much he made himself sick. 

All in all, I think he had an awesome birthday.


Posh Totty said...

Happy birthday to Ryan, Mmm that cheese cake looks yummy :O)

Dawn said...

You are such a good mom !! That cheesecake looks so good !! :) I am glad he had such a great birthday !!

Miranda said...

Mmmmm cheesecake! Yum....Happy Birthday Ryan!

Unknown said...

please, save me a piece of cake ....;)

Jackie said...

Happy birthday Ryan...yummyyyy cheesecake.

I have missed you and hope you have a great day!!

Donna said...

Glad he had a great Day!!!

Kas said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ryan! Cheescake for a birthday cake is a great idea!

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Not ONLY Ryan would ask for cheesecake on his birthday. He's very lucky I wasn't invited... he might not have gotten to eat any of it!

Tammy said...

Sound like a great birthday. He looks very happy with his cheese cake you made. It's funny about the pop. See I'm up north it's pop not soda :)

stevebethere from bethere2day said...

Happy birthday Ryan!

I think it's a brilliant idea to have cheesecake for a birthday cake very imaginative, hope he shared it though LOL

Crystal said...


OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

This made me laugh! Both my kids never wanted the standard Pumpkin and Pecan pies (my favorites!!) for Thanksgiving our Christmas ~ they always wanted CHEESECAKE!! (Which of course, I always had to make on of those too for them!) :))

jenn said...

Posh Toddy ~ it WAS yummy!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ aw, thank you! I try!

jenn said...

Miranda ~ yum indeed! lol!

jenn said...

Funky Town ~ girl, it didn't last an hour!

jenn said...

Shinade ~ aw, you're sweet! I hope you had a good one, too!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ he did :)

jenn said...

Kas ~ I wish I could eat cheesecake every single day. That would make me a very happy girl.

jenn said...

jennie ~ I wish I could mail you a cheesecake...I know how pregnant women need their cheesecake! lol!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I say soda, cause I'm from NY...down here, people say "coke". Even if they want sprite or something, every soft drink is a coke. Drives me insane! lol!

jenn said...

Steve ~ he did share, and I made sure he got the biggest piece.

jenn said...

Crystal ~ it was soooo yum! lol!

jenn said...

Ollie McKay's ~ I'll take cheesecake over any other kind of pie!