Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting the Gang Together for the Holidays

Guest post written by Greg Rollins

This Thanksgiving is going to be an interesting one. For the first time, my kids are out living on their own and my wife and I are working on a grand homecoming for them. However, my wife's parents live all the way down in southern Florida, and it's really important that we figure out a way to visit them, as well.

This year, we decided to have Thanksgiving at home and then leave in the evening for a flight to Florida. I've already started to get some items together for the trip. Even though it could be a little exhausting, I'm looking forward to really getting everyone together. My wife's mother taught her everything she knows about cook and is quite the master. My family is really looking forward to enjoying some of her cooking this year. We figured that since we are going to be in Florida, we may do some quick fishing while we are down there. While it's a little different, I think I may take a Miracle Ear Free Hearing Test, as well. I'm just so relieved we got everything worked out this year and so easily!

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