Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sometimes, Life Gets In The Way Of Blogging

That title just about sums up my week.  I was pretty amazed when I noticed this morning that I have not put up a new post since Sunday.  You all know this is not like me at all.  But, we've been busy, and life happens, and time just got away from me.  I had a giveaway end over the weekend, and I've yet to post the winner.  I have had several things delivered for reviews, and they are just sitting around, waiting on me.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I have been using the eReader and MP3 player...those two things are going to get a pretty great review because, well, they are awesome little pieces of technology. 

Junior took an unexpected leave from work for a few days, so with him home, I find it hard to get anything done.  The house is a mess, my blogs are neglected, my mind is on fourteen hundred things all at the same time, and, well, that just means that things get put on hold until I can collect my thoughts.

I'm still collecting...


Tara Beaulieu said...

LOL, it seems to be the season for that! My poor blog has scarcely had a post all month! We forgive you. :)

Tammy said...

We all need breaks now and then. You should have a ton to blog about now and it will be fun.

StaceyC4 said...

Well...I missed you!!!

Nona said...

I've had a few weeks, or months, like that myself. Hang in there, life will get out of the way again soon.

Anonymous said...

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Have a nice day
