Friday, October 10, 2008


Am I the only one having problems today? I can get onto their site, but every time I try to drop, it boots me off. I hope it's not my computer. For the past week I have been dropping 300 a day, and I really want to continue that. I have found the cutest blogs through them. I guess I'll just keep trying.

How many do you drop per day? Do you return drops? I go through and drop an everyone who dropped on me the day before, then I browse the categories. I love the hobbies section. There are so many talented people out there in blog land.


Rebecca said...

I was having some trouble when I was moving between which blog was active. But since I started dropping I haven't had it kick me out.


Happy Friday!! :)

Anonymous said...

I have been having trouble all morning. Sometimes when I go to someones site the entrecard box is just an error and in the past few hours when I try to login to entrecard it times out every third time or so. Think I will just ignore it for a few hours and see if it gets better. I have tried it on two computers (home and work), so I am sure it is not your computer.

Anonymous said...

Entrecard has been either slow or not loading at all today, though I did just manage to drop on you.

300 a day? How do you do it? I pretty much drop on the blogs I visit that just happen to have an Entrecard. Sometimes I go through my inbox and return drops, but it's pretty much random.