Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting The Girl

In a few weeks, my son will officially be a teenager. He is reaching that age where it's all about getting a girlfriend. I'm sure at thirteen, the boys need some pick up tips so they don't act like fools in front of all the beautiful girls. Come to think of it, there are probably some grown men who could use some tips, too.


Missy said...

yea, one site Alex doesn't need, sigh. He's already a handful with the girls, no lets not encourage mine with the site HA! You guys go at it, it looks like a decent site!

Jennifer said...

:) i dread those days to come with Trevor. not sure why. but I do and lets not even go there with thinking about the girls dating. ugh. my nephew will be 13 in Feb. and you are right it seems to be the time to try to get a girlfriend. ;) thank goodness having a girlfriend just means a girl that you call your girlfriend and maybe you talk to on the phone a few times and maybe pass a note here or there, that is all. ;)

Although when I was 14 I started dating this guy and we dated for 6 yrs. ;) and my girlfriend from school married her childhood sweetheart and has three boys with him. :)

hmmm... things to think about.

good luck.
