Monday, October 13, 2008

Finally Fixed?

I was able to finally drop on entrecard yesterday afternoon. When I got up this morning, I couldn't get on. A message said they were offline for 2 hours trying to fix the problems they have been having. They are back up now, but I just don't feel like dropping today. I've been doing so good, too. I think the biggest reason is that I woke up feeling sick this morning, and am just being lazy and watching some movies. I just hope none of the kids start puking too.


Donna said...

Oh Sweetie! Hope you get to feeling better!!!!hughugs

Rebecca said...

I sometimes don't feel like dropping either. And having more than one blog was gettng overwhelming... I've chopped it down to just one blog using ECard, so maybe I'll do better with my drops now. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon! Hugs, Tammy

Jennifer said...

Hey there. sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. :( that is a real bummer. I hate vomitting. I'm such a baby about it. :( This also sucks b/c you just got over having a cold and then the other day had a bad headache!! I hope you are feeling better this evening then when you typed this post.

I'm also interested in this site you talked about... but I just don't have the time to get involved in something right now. i'm drowning as it is with all I have to do now. plus the kids have been super duper whiney the last few days. i know they are feeling it too. :( poor babies.

anyway my dear, I will hope that you are feeling better and also that none of your family gets it.

lots of hugs!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Kristin said...

Aw..Feel Better!! My husband is sick now too, he went to Texas to house hunt for us, and he inevitably caught something on the plane, which was full of people coughing and sneezing. So..I hope your kids (and mine) don't get it either! I need to log back onto EC but am lacking motivation at the moment.

Forgetfulone said...

Is Entrecard easy to use? I'm going to check it out. What does it do for you?

twinks said...


Hope you all are feeling better now.
Hugs and kisses..
Entrecard is up and running smoothly now...hopefully no more Outage.
