Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Rainy Day

We are having horrible weather today. It has been raining since I got up this morning at 5:15. Luckily hubby was off so he drove the kids to the bus stop, and then picked brandi up from the bus stop as well. Ryan and kasi carry umbrellas, so they will be okay when they get off the bus. Days like this just make me want to be lazy.

I did watch a good movie today, I Am Legend starring Will Smith. I really like him, but wasn't sure about this movie. Two minutes in I was hooked. If you haven't seen it yet, you should.

I am working on a blog for my sister's kids baseball team, and it's looking pretty good. I am kinda winging it, because I really don't know what I'm doing, but we'll keep that out little secret. ssshhhhhh.....


Jennifer said...

rain always makes me feel like being lazy... either staying in bed, or curling up on the couch under a snuggly blanket with a good book or movie and a good snack. I like to eat a lot when it is rainy or cold.

hope the rain lets up soon! ;)


PS i pinky promise not to tell anyone that you aren't sure of what you are doing with the blog if you promise not to tell anyone that i don't have a CLUE how I'm going to be moved by 11/1!!! lol


Carrie said...

We all need to have those lazy days so why not on a rainy day! We had rain yesterday as well and it was freezing out :0( This morning the sun is shining but still very cold, we had to turn the heat on.

I watched I am Legend a while back. Not my kind of movie but got hooked. I thought it ended rather quick ? I don't know I might watch it again????

I hope the sun is shining for you today!