Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thursday Thirteen ~ 10

Thirteen Thursday Thirteen Halloween Headers

to participate, go here.


Unknown said...

cool TT headers.

Kristin said...

I don't understand. (Smacks hand on forehead..I went to the site, no help. I don't think I am internet savvy enough to get it.. ha ha, I wish I was kidding! And is it just me or is there a ghost near my mouse arrrow when I am on this blog only? You have many tricks up your sleeve, don't you? :) Have a great night!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Lol...what a great idea!!

Julie said...

Thanks being a great entrecard dropper. I nominated you for an award at my blog Living on Less.

Hootin Anni said...

I did the same thing last week for T-13 as a bonus...these that you've done are just plain SUPER!!

Come on over to my place and read about the Headless Horseman and Icabod Crane from the legendary short's loaded with pictures and some historical facts today. See you there!!

Happy Thursday.

Unknown said...

Great ones, snagged a few love.
My TT ~ Don't SAY That

Carrie said...

Very Creative!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! Very creative. I loved the bones one. :)

My TT ~ My CrAzY Wednesday (Morning)

Anonymous said...

fun, fun, fun! thanks for sharing your headers. I just don't have time to make them...mostly because I really don't know how!

Happy Thursday, dear friend!

Rebecca said...

OOh, those are great ones! I might just have to post a TT this month so I can use one of 'em. :)

Forgetfulone said...

Great headers! Do you mind us using them? Of course, I'll link back to you.