Sunday, October 26, 2008

What A Weekend!

My house is finally clean! I didn't think it would ever get back to pre-party condition. All the decorations are down and packed back up, ready to be delivered back to the party supplier...aka nicole. The kids are still on a sugar high...between the brownies, cake, cupcakes, and who-knows-what-they-are-called-gooey-paradise-yumminess-in-a-bowl-thingys my sister made, the kids have been eating nothing but junk. I am ready for school tomorrow. I need a break!

I do have a conference with brandi's teacher tomorrow. Hubby is working, but he is planning on leaving for about an hour to take me up there. Plus, he likes to hear what the teachers say, too. I can't believe the kids have already done 9 weeks and are getting their first report cards.

Time flies!

Now that the party is over and done, I get to stress about finding money for christmas shopping. And planning a party for boo, whose birthday is the beginning of december. Hers is easy, though. Just invite a few friends, and all of my family will come to this one. Hopefully :).

Well, I'm is coming over and we're gonna run to wal-mart. Kasi bought some kind of text messaging thing with her birthday money, but when we got it home, one of them didn't work, so I need to exchange it for one that does. Fun, I know! Enjoy you're sunday!

Oh, and make sure you all go wish tammy a happy birthday!


Jennifer said...

Hi there. I'm glad you seemed to have a great time. and that your house is now back in order.

i have a total mess going on here. we moved most of our stuff yesterday and whatta mess. but i will post about it in a little bit.

i'm glad you all had fun!! :)

i tried to wish tammy a happy bday but for some reason i couldn't get her page to open, it could be me, or the computer or Lord knows what... but i will try again in a little bit. :)


Kristin said...

I think I have a sugar high just by reading how the kids got their sugar high! lol! And you have an award and you have been tagged! Stop by..I hope my post makes sense. It takes me far too long to write anything...seriously.

Carrie said...

Sugar, Sugar, sugar! I could use a good sugar rush right now LOL
I'm glad you have your house back to norm. There is nothing worse than the clean up after a party.

and I agree with you on time flies!
If only we could slow things down just a little bit :0)

have a great day Jenn!

Rebecca said...

What? Halloween is still like 5 days away, you already took down the decorations?

Unknown said...

UGH I have been trying to get my house clean for weeks!!!! So depressing!!!!