Saturday, November 29, 2008


Okay. I broke down and signed up for twitter. Now what the heck do I do? My home page has little blips written by some of my friends who I am now following. Is that all there is to it? I get to read a one sentence little nothing about someone's day?

Am I missing something?


Forgetfulone said...

I have no idea! I braved stumble then rarely used it. There are too many social networks out there for me to keep up with! Well, one day I may break down and check out twitter.

Renz said...

yup that's about it.. you have to increase your friendlist so they would hear your updates too...

Missy said...

I don't know anything about it! So I am expecting you to fill me in over time!!:}

Rachele Bennett said...

I just joined and don't quite get it either. I believe it's just that, a way to let others know what your up to and to find out what they're doing. I rarely go in to update though. You can also join groups, and there's a little more going on within the groups.

Callie Ann said...

I use my twitter account all the time. Like the one before me said we use it to keep eachother informed. I have a couple of friends that have no family at all so we keep tags on when they are working or gone or home that way we don't worry so much. To let a friend or family know when something crazy happens. Like I just saw a naked bike rider in Portland... I didn't actually see him just heard about it.. ha ha ha.. Anyway we have a blast with it. It's just fun to sometimes throw up a quick sentence on my blog thru this... I can send stuff via my cell phone.. good deal doesn't cost me any more.. It's just a fun communication tool.

Anonymous said...

I joined Twitter and don't get it either! Some of my friends just love it though, so I guess once you get into it there might be more to it (?).