Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Bookworm Meme

I was tagged by Tammy for this meme, and cause I love her to pieces, here we go!

Grab the book closest to you
Turn to page 56
Go to the fifth line
Type it and the following couple of lines

Can you guess what book this came from?

I didn't even have time to close my eyes. Just before I heard the shattering crunch of the van folding around the truck bed, something hit me, hard, but not from the direction I was expecting. My head cracked against the icy blacktop, and I felt something solid and cold pinning me to the ground.

I tag: carrie, jenn, crystal, tammy and vixen.


Missy said...

(hand raised!) ooohhh ooohh pick me, pick me, I know, I know!! :}

Callie Ann said...

Of course it is the book

Jennifer said...

that was the beginning of it all. :) i love that moment... when he decides to save her... that is so funny that it ended up being that page and that line... b/c that is sort of when the story takes off...

wow... i love LOVE love that book!!


thanks for the thought! i'll keep it in my mind all day!!

xoxox love ya~!~

Carrie said...

I'm not a reader, never any time to even think of reading a book.

I have soooo much once again to get caught up on...

miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....okay it's not Harry Potter. Just teasing I know what it is and I watched the movie of it the other day. Don't bother going to see it, just wait till it comes out on DVD.