Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gender Identity Crisis

I think my kitten has a problem.

I think she might be a he.

Yup. Ginger is a boy.

I never really looked when we got her/him.

I trusted my friends grandma.

She/he was licked her/himself before, and I kinda thought i saw something.

Well, two somethings.

I had Junior look, and he agreed.

Ginger is a girl trapped in a boys body.

We're still going to call him Ginger, because he responds to it.

Is this wrong?

****I am in no way mocking actual people with gender identity issues.


Jennifer said...


i'm not even sure what to say. this has me totally cracking up.

i'm laughing for a lot of reasons... one that GINGER is actually a boy.

two that you said Ginger is a girl trapped in a boy body. lol

and the fact that you had to put the small note at the bottom of your post.... b/c honestly there is someone out there or some GROUP for special rights and all that shit that would take offense to you talking about your cats gender being different than you had originally thought... lol

crazy. but there are people out there that would/could get upset by this post. ridiculous.

I love that you are still going to call him Ginger. Although the last part of Ginger sounds like "her" maybe you want to call him... Ginghim lol just kidding. i think it is okay that you call him Ginger still... after all it is his name and he is used to it. and if you think of it as the root and not a female name, it could go either way... female or male. lol :)

thanks for the giggle!!

xoxoxox :P

Rebecca said...

Hahahaha - I like Jennifer's idea though. My stepmnom used to have a female cat named Hershey (yes, like the chocolate) and then she adopted a stray that looked just like Hershey, except it was a boy, so she called the stray Hershhim :)