Monday, January 12, 2009

Get Active!

I have been thinking lately that my kids need more exercise. Okay, maybe I should say that my whole family needs more exercise, but for now I want to focus on the kids. Brandi does have PE in school once a week, but I don't think that's enough. Ryan and Kasi don't have PE at all, although at Kasi's school they do warm up exercises, like jumping jacks and stretching, every morning. I remember when I was in school, we had PE every other day, and if you didn't participate, you failed. If you failed, you had to make up that semester, or you couldn't graduate. My poor friend had to take five periods of PE her last semester in school in order to graduate. I wish my kids schools had the same requirements.

Unfortunately, it is left up to the parents to get their kids moving. I said unfortunately, but I didn't mean it like it was wholly the schools responsibility. I just meant that in this day and age, with more and more parents working, it is difficult to schedule time for exercise as a family. It is also expensive if the kids want to join sports teams or organizations that promote activity.

Canadians have come up with a great program to get kids moving. SOGO Active is a program for Canadian kids, aged 13-19, to use to make being active fun. The site allows kids to track their progress, and share their successes with other kids. You can also find hosts in your area who can help get the kids the resources, like equipment or even facilities, they need to do the things they love. Coca-Cola Canada and ParticipACTION have partnered to make the program available, and hope to inspire the youth of Canada to get active and get moving!

1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

I don't know about my kids...but I need more excercise......a lot more...