Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Neighborhood Beauty

I wish I lived in a nice subdivision, with a community pool and friendly neighbors. I love the neighborhoods that have flowers and trees landscaped around the entrances. It makes it look all warm and inviting, like a place you would love to live.

If you are interested in beautifying the community you live in, you can apply for the Project Orange Thumb grant. This grant is geared towards community involvement, so schools, youth groups, camps, community centers and clubs are all encouraged to apply. Unfortunately, individuals can not apply, only groups. The recipients will receive $1500 in Fiskars garden tools, and up to $800 in gardening related materials. Twenty different groups will be selected, and you have to apply before February 17, 2009. This would be a wonderful project for nature lovers, and those who want to plant a garden, or even make an existing garden more beautiful.
If you are interested in applying, make sure you get your application in before the deadline. This would be a great project for a girl scout or boy scout group, or even for seniors looking for an outdoor activity. There is nothing more rewarding than watching your hard work grow into something beautiful.


Tammy said...

This sound very interesting.

Jennifer said...

very cool. too bad it wasn't for individuals. that would be really neat to win. i can't wait for spring and summer for a lot of reasons and one of them is to get to do some stuff to the outside of our house and landscape it. :)
