Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brandi's Prick

Okay guys, get your minds out of the gutter.

I took Brandi to the doctor today, because for the past two weeks she has had a cold/cough/sore throat, and I wanted to make sure she didn't need an antibiotic or anything to get rid of it. The nurse we had commented on how she can't believe that boo is already 7. Brandi wanted to know what she meant, and we explained that she was the nurse who told me I was pregnant with her, and has seen her for her whole life. I just haven't had brandi in there in a while, and she has grown.

Anyway, they did a strep test which came out negative, and then the nurse, Pam, came back in to prick brandi's finger. would have thought we were trying to murder her. She started screaming, and running around the room every time I tried to catch her. It finally took me, Pam, and the Doctor to hold her down while they pricked her finger. When I tell you she was screaming, I mean ear piercing, the whole office and parking lot heard her. The blood levels came back fine, so no infection.

We left with 2 prescriptions, and a coloring book, crayons, and stickers. When we got in the van, Junior asked how it went, and Brandi started crying. When Junior asked why she was crying,. she told him, and I quote,

"My prick hurts."

I though Junior was going to fall out of the van he was laughing so hard. His laughing only made Brandi madder, and she starts saying it's not funny that her prick hurts.

Junior is laughing harder, she is crying harder, and I am just trying not to laugh, cause Brandi was so upset. They both finally calmed down, and we were able to drive away.

Doesn't this make you want to come live with us? There's always something to laugh at.


Anonymous said...

OMG That is hilarious Jenn! Sorry Brandi!

Missy said...

Tell her we heard her alllll the way down here in Clemson, lol!!!

Misty DawnS said...

OMG that is absolultey hilarious! You are making me crack up laughing at work! I'm sorry Brandi, but it's funny!