Saturday, February 14, 2009

Camera Critters ~ 24

I took this picture at the zoo in December. There is just something so loveable about Koala bears. Makes you want to give him a big hug, doesn't it? Not too sure I'd really ever try that, but he is adorable.

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i beati said...

very important in this week's news..Sandy

Unknown said...

How cute is this?

Carolina said...

Ahw, Koala's look so sweet!
Saw something in the news about firemen in Australia who found a Koala with burned feet and fed him water out of their own bottles and took him to a rescue center, he/she was such an endearing sweetheart too. Not only the Australian people are having a hard time, I can barely think of those poor animals.

Anonymous said...

That's adorable!!! He's sleeping! Too cute!

Barb said...

Ohhhhh it's sooooo adorable and cuddly looking. :)

Flo said...

He looks like he's sleeping. How adorable. Yes, he does look huggable but I've heard they are vicious. I'll look from a distance, thanks :)

Mine is up over at Feather, Fur and Fins

Anonymous said...

Ah, he is precious and I would definitely hug him if I got the chance. Pandas too.

Anonymous said...

Koala's are huggable. Especially when they are asleep.

NoBS said...

But when they've been through a horrible fire and need a few bottles of water, they know who they can trust! Thank goodness!

Dianne said...

I've been thinking a lot of the koalas and all in Australia

Manz said...

This is a happy, sleepy Koala bear! They get high on the leaves ;)

I was going to ask if you'd heard about the fires in Australia... but I see Carolina, NoBS and Dianne all mentioned the fires.

Over a million critters perished in the fires :(
Those that survived are being treated great by the terrific volunteers - kudos to them! Most have burns to their feet from trying to walk out of the hot zones.

Another recent Koala story I came across was a little happier :)
In Perth, on a very hot day a Koala went up to someones house and the family gave it a bowl of water. After a good drink, the Koala got into the bowl for a nice cooling off. The photos were fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Koala is a cute animal, although not what you'd call lively! We have a Koala cookie jar that I bought a long time ago.

Misty DawnS said...

I love Koala bears! You're right, they look so huggable!