Friday, February 20, 2009

Dry Skin

I have the driest, flakiest skin right now. My hands are cracked so bad they hurt. I bought some lotion that has oatmeal in it, thinking that would help.

Not so much.

So now I want to know what you use on dry skin. Do you have a favorite lotion, or maybe a home remedy you prefer?

At this point, I am willing to try anything.


Anonymous said...

Hi, just dropping by to say Hi :)

For really dry hands I usually use Lanocream lotions which are oil-based lotions/creans that really helps with dried hands and skin. It's apparently made from sheep and fairly common in New Zealand ... which is why I hesitate to recommend as it may be hard to find! The next best thing would be going to the pharmacist and asking for a heavy-duty (read:thicker) hand cream or moisturising cream and just continually apply it (if no allergic reactions occur) until your skin is healed - which can take a few days. Just remember about re-application after every hand-wash!

Hope your hands get better soon :)


Jennifer said...

:) i have dry skin all over my body... my hands are the wost though i think b/c of all the cleaning and products and how much they are in water... baths and dishes and cleaning and all...

i like to use the creamy petrolium jelly... i buy the wal-mart brand or "cheap" brand and it works great. i just have to remember to keep applying it. lol
