Friday, February 20, 2009

I Want A Wii

This morning, Junior and I made our daily trip to the big store that sells everything. I wanted to look for a CD, so we went to the electronic department. As we walked past the video game section, I was longing, yet again, for the wii fit. We don't even have a wii yet, but I want them both so badly. My sister got the wii fit for her birthday, and loves it. I think it might be just the thing to get my butt motivated. I love video games, so this is perfect for me. If I could just save up the money...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i want the wii fit too... i really really do!!

we have a wii, and don't really play it too much any more... i'm sure that there are other people out there that feel the same way... maybe you could find one on eBay... just a thought.
