Friday, February 20, 2009


We are rearranging around here tonight.

Right now, me and Brandi share a room, and Ryan and Kasi share a room.

The girls are slobs.

Ryan's not, and he wants his own room.

So me and the girls are going to bunk together.

And Ryan will get his own room.

He's at that age, anyway, where he needs his own room.

The bad part is moving all the furniture :(


Anonymous said...

Rearranging? I also like rearranging but only for my room. My parents would freak out if I rearrange the whole house. :D

Kristin said...

Happy rearranging...I actually kind of like it...because it sort of makes everything seem new again...well, not "new" new, but like "new" in the way you look at your furniture...hmmmm. Maybe I don't make as much sense as I think I do.
nope. Probably not.
Anyway...have fun!

Jennifer said...

i may be crazy.. but i love to move around furniture... it's something i do often in the kids rooms... i like to move everything around and do a really good cleaning. lol

i'll come help... i could use the visit with you and also the GREAT warm weather.
