Friday, February 20, 2009

Potential Cause Of My Dry Skin

I was doing some research about the dry skin on my hands, and came across this website about bioidentical hormone replacement. I started reading the symptoms that may suggest I need hormone replacement therapy, and was shocked to discover that many of them applied to me.

If you have hot flashes, problems sleeping, are gaining weight despite dieting, have osteoporosis, a decreased sexual drive, problems with your memory, anxiety and depression, or a lack of energy, you may have a hormonal imbalance. Dry skin and constipation are also signs.

I had hot flashes after my breast surgery in July, and they were awful. I knew then that my hormones were out of whack, and luckily I haven't had a hot flash in months. I do have a tendency to gain weight easily, but not when I am dieting. Just every other day of the year. I can gain weight eating healthy foods, so this one might apply to me. I do not have osteoporosis, and my sex life is just fine. I do have occasional memory loss, and lately I have been having quite a few anxiety attacks. They usually only last a little while, and I am never freaked out too much. I am not depressed, but I do suffer from lack of energy. I think that last one might be related to my weight, but who knows. I definitely have dry skin, as I wrote about a few posts ago. According to this site, if I was to try hormone replacement therapy, I could potentially have more energy, look and feel younger, and enjoy life more. It is definitely something worth looking into.


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