Thursday, February 19, 2009

Everglades Fishing

Have you ever been Everglades Fishing? My family loves to fish, but I don't think we've ever been Everglades fishing. I think it might be scary to go Everglades fishing, because there are gators in the Everglades, right? And that might make Everglades fishing a little too dangerous for me. Of course, my husband might be excited to go Everglades fishing, because he likes a challenge. I wouldn't let him take the kids Everglades fishing. He could go with his friends, though. I wouldn't worry about them Everglade fishing, because they can handle themselves. Of course, if they start drinking there's no telling what could happen while they are Everglades fishing. Luckily Junior stopped drinking years ago, so maybe he would be the lookout if they go Everglade's fishing. You know, he could be the one responsible for spotting the gators before they make a meal out of them. That would be one very funny Everglades fishing trip. I better make sure they pack the video camera!


bcmomtoo said...

Never mind the gators. The big challenge was using those keywords 10 times!

jenn said...

I know! lol!