Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Regina, from my life with little girls, gave me this award. Thanks for thinking of me, Regina!

Here are the rules for this award:

a) List 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
b) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

1. I hate feet...except baby feet...those are just too cute!

2. I can not go into the bathroom unless I have something to read...even if I'm just doing number one...I don't know why...

3. I have no self control when it comes to's best to keep my favorites out of the house...

4. I have a girl crush on Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland...

5. I have a real crush on James Marsden...

6. I could happily never leave my house ever again...

7. In the past couple of years I have become quite the hermit...

8. I wish my husband could make peace with his past...

9. I hope my kids are more successful in life than I am...

10. I am not materialistic, but I love having my things around my books and elephants...maybe I'm just crazy! lol!

I'm passing this to EVERYONE. It's my birthday, so I can break the rules!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the baby that was just born with 12 toes? (12 fingers too) Little toes always look like too many toes as it is lol

(And happy birthday too!)