Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thursday Thirteen ~ Five

Thirteen Things I Need (according to google)

jenn needs...

...a new boyfriend (because the old one has got to go!)

...a vacation (who doesn't?)

...healing thoughts (for my chest cold)

...a glass of wine (I don't drink, but I'll send it your way) (well, duh)

...a cool code name (for all my undercover missions) get new friends (no I don't...I love my girls!) go to battle (maybe the battle of the bulge) give birth on the next week (yeah, I don't think so! LOL) (lots and lots and lots of it!)

...a yard sale (I have been thinking of having one)

...someone to love (I have lots of people to love, thank you very much) play by the rules (where's the fun in that?)

to participate, go here.


Unknown said...

Battle of the bulge, I'm right beside ya on that one LOL Fun list. Happy T13!

Karen said...

Such a fresh and funny list... I enjoyed reading it!

Missy said...

Whoop, whoop, ya girls luv ya too!!!

Lori said...

Interesting results. I'll have to try this one of these Thursdays.

Kristen said...

That was fun. Weird how google knows so much about us...

Anonymous said...

Very fun TT!
I'm up at both Thornesworld
and with my very first TT at my new blog, Eclectic Witch!
I hope you'll stop by!

Anonymous said...

Haha, this post made me google "vera needs" too. Interesting results I got :) Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

LOL! How fun *and* funny! =)

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Battle of the Bulge - Ha!

These Google lists are always fun.

Anonymous said...

Hehehe that was fun to read and I'll take that glass of wine please! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Great list! I wonder what Google thinks I need...

Anonymous said...

ahahahahahaha! I couldn't figure out what you were saying! An new boyfriend!? A glass of wine?!? What??

Clearly, I need to read more carefully!

Great list!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

oh boy