Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

That's how I have been feeling about blogging lately. It seems like I go through cycles. For weeks I blog about every. little. thing. Then there are times, like the past few days, where I just don't care to write about anything. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the fact that no matter what I do, google hates me. Maybe it's the fact that every time I think I'm doing good, something happens and everything turns to crap once again.

Yeah, I'm in a good mood...can you tell? I'm just having one of those days...weeks...months...years...oh, the drama! lol! I know...I'm whining. And there's really no reason other than that I feel like I spend my life sitting at this computer, hoping to be one of the lucky ones to grab the oh so few opps that no page rank people like myself qualify for. It sucks. And I feel like bitching about it.

If you're my friend, you'll comment on how much worse it could be and how wonderful I am...blah...blah...blah...if you just happened to stop by for the first time today and found this post, I apologize. I am normally a happy, upbeat pleasure to be around type girl...come back tomorrow! I promise to be in a better mood!


Anonymous said...

It could be a lot worse and you are wonderful! hehe Just teasing, love ya Jenn! We've had a lot of drama around here lately, I wonder if it's just that time of year?

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

I so have those days too. Sighs....not sure what it is.

Anonymous said...

whenever i feel like this, my husband, the comedian asks "Do you want me to go dig you a hole to crawl into?"

KAT said...

Bitch away my friend!!!

And here's a laugh for you....I just noticed I had a typo and fixed it, otherwise the opening was going to read....Butch away my friend...lmao!

So see, it could be could've got that comment, and wondered why the heck you were friends with me in the first place??

Holy crap!! I can't type worth sh*t tonight! See? You could be like me and have to re-type everything a million times?? At least you didn't have to do that?

Oh, and by the are wonderful!!!

Take Care,
Kat :)

Missy said...

Hey Blog stalkers, she really is an upbeat cheery person thats a hoot to be around but like everyone she just needs a day to fuss, cuss and blow some steam off!

She'll feel better soon and have your sides splitting, cause thats how she rolls. She is the kind of girl that once you get to talking to her you'll be cackling and snorting from laughter...she's in a funk at the moment and she'll pull out of it.

Just you wait, you'll log back in and one of her kids will have done something so funny she'll have to blog about it, cause thats how they roll.

And when she reads this, cause she's great like that- yep, she reads all her comments and acknowledges everyone one of them, she'll know that I am thinking of her and wishing her a great day and lots of love and hugs...cause thats how I roll!!!

Have a great day, it will get better!!

Much love,

jenn said...

Thanks girls! I'm better today :).

Tammy said...

I'm right with you. I have had no time for blogging and then when I do I'm just not into it. It's just not me. I think we will both feel better when spring gets here. For you it will be the end of week. I have to wait for spring.