Did you watch the video above? If not, you should. It is awesome.
Dolphins are such beautiful creatures. I could watch them swim all day and never get bored. I would love to one day swim with some. I have seen videos of that, and it looks like it is an amazing experience.
The video above shows dolphins at SeaWorld. The dolphins that live there have found a way to entertain themselves. They have learned how to make bubble rings. It seems they shoot air out of their blow holes, and by angling their heads a certain way, the air that comes out is formed into a ring. At first it is a pretty big ring, but as the dolphins play with them, they get smaller and smaller. The dolphins like to spin them and twirl them, and this motion makes the bubbles sink instead of rising to the surface of the water. When they get really small, the dolphins pop them, and start all over again with a new bubble ring. It's really amazing because this is something that they have taught each other.
I would love to be able to witness these Dolphin Bubbles first hand. I think a trip to SeaWorld might be in our future. Maybe a few years into our future, but I would love to go visit the underwater view areas and see this behavior for myself.
I Love Dolphins :)
unfortunately I can't watch the video :( hmm . . I wonder why ? I kept refreshing your post but have no luck
that is so freakin cool!!!!
that is just amazing. We are hoping to get to Sea World in the next couple of years! fingers crossed. See the dolphins blow bubbles would be an awesome experience.
I've been to Sea World and I've loved it!!
I dream(ed) of being a marine biologist/oceanographer growing up but you can't do that in a landlocked stated & I knew hubby wasn't moving that far away from family. and truth be told I don't think I'd want to either.
I plan to do a dolphin swim encounter when hubby & I go to Hawaii alone, we're hoping to go in Sept. 2010.
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