Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stop Gambling

Have you ever heard of poker machines? They are big versions of the little hand held poker games you can buy at any electronics store. These poker machines used to be legal in South Carolina. You could find them in convenience stores all over the state. A few years ago, they became illegal, because people thought they were having a negative impact on our community, and that people were wasting their money by gambling on these machines.

I can see how some people can become addicted to these types of machines. But making a particular form of gambling illegal doesn't solve the problem. The people who became addicted will find other ways to gamble. You can just as easily play poker online for real money, too. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that these same people are gambling online. Gambling is like any addiction. People are going to find a way to do it.

If you know someone in your home that is addicted to online gambling, you should get BetFilter. This program blocks access to online gambling. It is one hundred percent discrete, and can not be un-installed within the license period. This is a great way to prevent the ones you care about from gambling away all their money. Just make sure you get them outside help, as well. Like any addiction, gambling needs to be treated like an illness. There is help available.


Anonymous said...

Poker is nonsense because it makes people forget that money is just a tool not the goal of life. Look how they deal with it in such bad stuff!

Missy said...

Damn, your on to me.....come on 7's momma needs a new pair of shoesssssssssssss! damn! Oh well maybe next time!