Thirteen Things That Need To Be Done Around Here
laundry...there are at least three loads that need to be done
floors...I hate mopping, and will put it off until it is absolutely necessary
curtains...they need to be washed, but that just adds to the laundry
bathrooms...does you stay clean for more than an hour? mine doesn't
fridge...so many leftovers that have been left for too long
dishes...dinner dishes are calling my name, yet here I sit
shoes...five people live here, yet there are always about ten pairs of shoes by the front door...my rule of putting away what's not on your feet never gets followed
dusting...so many elephant...so much dust!
plants...need a good soak in the sink
front porch...the gathering place for everything from fishing poles to hula hoops
grass...I am looking forward to this one...I want to mow so bad!
my desk...it's a huge mess of school papers and bills...I need to get organized!
the kids bookshelf...it's a mess!
to participate, go here.
laundry...there are at least three loads that need to be done
floors...I hate mopping, and will put it off until it is absolutely necessary
curtains...they need to be washed, but that just adds to the laundry
bathrooms...does you stay clean for more than an hour? mine doesn't
fridge...so many leftovers that have been left for too long
dishes...dinner dishes are calling my name, yet here I sit
shoes...five people live here, yet there are always about ten pairs of shoes by the front door...my rule of putting away what's not on your feet never gets followed
dusting...so many elephant...so much dust!
plants...need a good soak in the sink
front porch...the gathering place for everything from fishing poles to hula hoops
grass...I am looking forward to this one...I want to mow so bad!
my desk...it's a huge mess of school papers and bills...I need to get organized!
the kids bookshelf...it's a mess!
to participate, go here.
are you sure you are not talking about my house? :D
LOL!! I am so behind in laundry!! I have been washing it and keeping it on the kitchen table so I fold it..needless to say, my plan is not working! I found myself in a robe yesterday morning looking for clothes to wear! Glad I am not alone!!
I have the same problem with shoes in my house, and there are only 3 of us here lol Happy T13!
Wow does that sound like my house! Especially the laundry & the fridge, I was looking at the curtains & thinking about taking them down to wash them for spring cleaning & then I looked at the laundry pile & knew I would never get them done, even with 2 days off.
what a great list! Have you been looking in my window?!
Are you sure you aren't talking about my house because it really sounds like it? My floors are really bad right now. They are on my to-do list for tomorrow.
I'm doing laundry right now. Floors? Don't even want to look.
I'm doing laundry right now. Floors? Don't even want to look.
You have a lot of hard work ahead of you! Happy cleaning!
Oy, I'm tired just reading your list. I'm going to bed.
I posted a TT also. Feel free to visit: htp://blog.feefifoto.com
Gosh! Sounds just like what I have to do after getting off work... but I probably won't..
This list is all nothing but a 4 letter word if you ask me.... W O R K!
My thirteen is now posted...come join me? Happy Thursday.
Oh, you make me think of what I should do at my house. Good luck getting all this done.
Are you sure your in the right home....sure sounds like my house!
OhMy!! Too much cleaning going on here!!Hahaaa...hughugs
Oh yes, I have a very similar list! Except for the plants and the grass. :)
Hey, your list looks almost like mine!
Happy TT!
I have the same shoe problem. Some times you can hardly get into the door. Shoes are every where. Yes some of them are even mine.
I laugh at a mere three loads of laundry...
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