Sunday, April 19, 2009

How Do People Live With Hate In Their Hearts?

Big question, huh?

I bet you're wondering why I'm asking, right?

To be honest, there is no reason other than my own curiosity.

It has been a long time since I have used the word hate about a person. I hate things, like spiders and having to get up so early every morning. I hate that I am unable to commit to a diet/exercise regimen so that I can lose weight and get healthy. I hate that I have no willpower. But I don't hate people, and I'm going to tell you why.

Hate hurts.

It consumes.

I know this, because I have seen what it can do. It becomes all you ever think about, and all you ever talk about. It makes a person feel better about themselves to downgrade another person, which is just sad. I would rather feel good about the things I do to improve the lives of others, not the things I do to tear other people down.

Now, I do hate things people do. I have no patience whatsoever for people who stay in abusive relationships, and I think there is a special place in hell for people who hurt children. Okay, so maybe I do hate people who hurt children. I guess there is an exception to everything. I am not trying to make myself look like this perfect woman who loves everyone. I don't love everyone. In fact, I dislike a lot of people. I have been guilty of talking about people, and it is not something I am proud of, and it's something I have worked hard not to do.

The hate I am talking about is the stuff that makes you do stupid things. The hate that makes you hurt people, not only physically, but emotionally. I watch everyday as hate hurts someone I love, which hurts me.

Can I do anything to make these feeling go away? No, because I can not change someone else's heart. I can just love with all of mine, and hope that somehow makes a difference.


RE Ausetkmt said...

Jen, that is a powerful post.
the rock and chain that become your heart when you carry around hatred; can kill you.

medical specialists have proven that hatred like stress hardens arteries and actually chokes a heart to death.

my solution is to love them to death. LOL what can i say, I'm a person who will bring you lunch when I come to cuss you out, and offer you a ride to shop afterward.

I learned the hard way and now I'm glad like you; to share the message.

Tammy said...

I think hate is a waste of energy. There is so many other wonderful things to be happy and feel good about there should be no time for hate.

Rebecca said...

Yep, I agree. Either I like you, or I don't ever bother thinking about you. :)

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Very good post. Hate is a very bad energy that can consume a person. It's a shame, sadly, its also a human thing.

Jennifer said...

:) good post and a good reminder to me... thanks. i tend to think about things too much... to carry around baggage from the past and can't always, well almost NEVER let things go... I beat the dead horse over and over and over again... i need to relax, relate and release... no need to carry on with negative things and hate is so ugly and NOT worth the energy or time...

thanks for the refreshing reminder!!

that's why i love you. and i know what you are talking about in your post... and you are all in my thoughts and i hope that some day soon things get better... i love you all and i'm always here.

Donna said...

I can honestly say I don't "hate"...I'm a Big believer in karma ... so it's Easy not to hate...people who do awful things wouldn't do them if they understood the principle of karma...hahaaaaa.....hughughugs

Jenera said...

Good post. I admit I've had hate in my heart for at least one particular person. I've tried to let it go and when I think I've done a good job, something will pop up to remind me why I cannot stand that person.

But you are so right that it can be all consuming. It's hard to let go.

Dorothy said...

Hate is self consuming and difficult to control; you know you should stop although it's another thing to be able to do it so it's a great post giving us all a chance to think about hate and how it may have affected us in our lives.

Dorothy from grammology

Missy said...

You know what, Jenn, the reason I love your blogs so much is because you are so real in them. You laugh, we laugh, you cry, we cry..We feel how great a person you are...hell if we all squeezed you in a big group hug, a carebear and a rainbow might just shoot right outta your butt cause your so sweet and full of goodness. I read your blog and get such an uplift in spirit!

I love this post, it not only proves such a great point, we can see you are hurting and deep down I think we all are able to see how you truly are so caring even about someone who has wronged you or the family! You prove this, caring for the other person, by not returning the ugliness!

You are such a great person, I wish I could just give ya a hug!! I might have to do a drive by hugging!!!!

Take care- you have my number, call sometime!!!

Much love,